Asset & Market Abbreviations
Asset Abbreviations
BTC - Bitcoin
ETH - Ether
LBTC - Lightning Bitcoin (Bitcoin locked up in the Lightning Network)
Market Abbreviations
We combine asset abbreviations with an underscore to define markets in REDSHIFT. We currently support the following mainnet market pairs:
BTC_LBTC - Bitcoin to Lightning Bitcoin
ETH_LBTC - Ether to Lightning Bitcoin
Testnet Market Abbreviations
When working in a testing environment, we append a "T" to the front of UTXO testnet market asset pairs and "K" to Kovan (testnet) Ether market asset pairs. We support the following testnet markets:
TBTC_LTBTC - Testnet Bitcoin to Lightning Testnet Bitcoin
KETH_LTBTC - Testnet Ether to Lightning Testnet Bitcoin
Simnet Market Abbreviations
Like testnet, we append an "S" to the beginning of market assets on simnet. We support the following simnet markets:
SBTC_LSBTC - Simnet Bitcoin to Lightning Simnet Bitcoin
SETH_LSBTC - Simnet Ether to Lightning Simnet Bitcoin
Last updated
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