Order States


WaitingForFundingTx - The HTLC has been created and is waiting for an on-chain funding transaction.

WaitingForFundingTxConfirmation - An on-chain funding transaction has been broadcasted but has not been confirmed.

WaitingForAdditionalFundingTxConfirmation - An on-chain funding transaction has been confirmed but has not met the confirmation threshold required to complete the swap. Wait for more confirmations and the order will move to Funded.

PartiallyFunded - The transaction has been partially funded, meaning a transaction has been sent but the total amount of funds sent has not reached the quote amount. Another transaction must be sent so that the total amount of funding is equal to the amount given in the quote.

Funded - The HTLC has been funded to the correct amount. After quote provider pays the Lightning Invoice, they will receive the preimage to unlock the funds.


WaitingForRefundTx - The swap was not completed successfully and HTLC's timelock has passed. A transaction can be sent to reclaim funds.

AddressBlacklistedWaitingForRefundTx - The transaction cannot be completed because the address is blacklisted. Send a refund transaction to reclaim funds.

WaitingForRefundTxConfirmation - A refund transaction has been broadcast to the network but has not confirmed yet.

Refunded - The refund transaction has been confirmed and the funds have been sent back to the user.

Other States

Complete - The swap is complete. The invoice has been paid and the funds from the HTLC have been swept by the liquidity provider.

FundWindowElapsed - The window to fund the HTLC has elapsed. Request a new quote to start the swap process again.

Last updated

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