
A library used to construct and interact with HTLCs across multiple networks & network models



npm install @radar/htlc


yarn add @radar/htlc

Usage - Bitcoin

Construct a Bitcoin HTLC

Construct a new Bitcoin HTLC with an absolute timelock:

import { HTLC, UTXO } from '@radar/htlc';

const htlc = HTLC.construct(Network.BITCOIN, BitcoinSubnet.SIMNET, {
  paymentHash: 'fba6da3ff596b9c6fabe67d4f728474697640ef6edd9e361c2a46be345112839',
  claimerPublicKey: '0286ab3b59ce3862515b01c8a282edb6011b4eb50c608ab298bfd70f6033f7bc65',
  refundAddress: 'sb1qxnqqm56ta40p3uhtsmtdxglhwuxjk3tul94mq0',
  timelock: {
    type: UTXO.LockType.ABSOLUTE,
    blockHeight: 597732,

Construct a new Bitcoin HTLC with a relative timelock:

import { HTLC, UTXO } from '@radar/htlc';

const htlc = HTLC.construct(Network.BITCOIN, BitcoinSubnet.SIMNET, {
  paymentHash: 'fba6da3ff596b9c6fabe67d4f728474697640ef6edd9e361c2a46be345112839',
  claimerPublicKey: '0286ab3b59ce3862515b01c8a282edb6011b4eb50c608ab298bfd70f6033f7bc65',
  refundAddress: 'sb1qxnqqm56ta40p3uhtsmtdxglhwuxjk3tul94mq0',
  timelock: {
    type: UTXO.LockType.RELATIVE,
    blockBuffer: 50,

Construct a Bitcoin HTLC from an existing redeem script:

import { HTLC } from '@radar/htlc';

const htlc = HTLC.construct(

Construct a Bitcoin HTLC with a refund public key instead of address:

import { HTLC, UTXO } from '@radar/htlc';

const htlc = HTLC.construct(Network.BITCOIN, BitcoinSubnet.SIMNET, {
  paymentHash: 'fba6da3ff596b9c6fabe67d4f728474697640ef6edd9e361c2a46be345112839',
  claimerPublicKey: '0286ab3b59ce3862515b01c8a282edb6011b4eb50c608ab298bfd70f6033f7bc65',
  refundPublicKey: '029814897bbfe085fcf1611a7100919f31b4424443d694a52b86bbb9ab9447d073',
  timelock: {
    type: UTXO.LockType.RELATIVE,
    blockBuffer: 50,

Interact with the Bitcoin HTLC

Get the HTLC details:

const { details } = htlc;

Get the redeem script:

const { redeemScript } = htlc;

Generate the fund transaction. You can now broadcast it using sendrawtransaction:

const fundTxHex = htlc.fund(utxos, fundingAmount, privateKey);

Generate the claim transaction. You can now broadcast it using sendrawtransaction:

const claimTxHex = htlc.claim(

Generate the refund transaction. You can now broadcast it using sendrawtransaction:

const refundTxHex = htlc.refund(

For working examples, view the Absolute or Relative Timelock Bitcoin HTLC tests.

Usage - Ethereum

Construct an Ethereum HTLC

Asset: Ether

import { HTLC } from '@radar/htlc';

const htlc = HTLC.construct(Network.ETHEREUM, EthereumSubnet.GANACHE_SIMNET, {
  provider: web3.currentProvider,
  assetType: EVM.AssetType.ETHER,

Asset: ERC20

import { HTLC } from '@radar/htlc';

const htlc = HTLC.construct(Network.ETHEREUM, EthereumSubnet.GANACHE_SIMNET, {
  provider: web3.currentProvider,
  assetType: EVM.AssetType.ERC20,

Interact with the Ethereum HTLC

Get the deployed HTLC contract instance:

const { contract } = htlc;

Generate, sign, and broadcast the fund transaction using the passed provider:

const txReceipt = await htlc.fund(amount, paymentHash);

Generate and broadcast the claim transaction using the passed provider:

const txReceipt = await htlc.claim(paymentSecret);

Generate and broadcast the refund transaction using the passed provider:

const txReceipt = await htlc.refund();

Want to pass in additional tx params? Pass all desired tx params as the last argument:

const txReceipt = await htlc.refund(true, {
  gas: 200000,

Don't want to sign and broadcast the transaction? Set shouldBroadcast to false to return the unsigned transaction. You can now broadcast it using eth_sendTransaction:

const unsignedTx = await htlc.refund(false);

For working examples, view the Ether or ERC20 Ethereum HTLC tests.

Usage - Stellar

Construct a Stellar HTLC

import { HTLC } from '@radar/htlc';

const htlc = HTLC.construct(Network.STELLAR, StellarSubnet.TESTNET, {

Interact with the Stellar HTLC

Build, sign, and broadcast a transaction (envelope) to create an escrow account (escrowPubKey):

await htlc.create();

Build the fundEnvelope and refundEnvelope for the user:

const fundEnvelope = await htlc.fund(

const refundEnvelope = await htlc.refund(

Once the user funds, pay the invoice to get the payment secret. Use the payment secret to claim the funds. Once broadcast, the escrow account gets merged into the server account. Swap Complete.

await htlc.claim(paymentSecret);

For a working example, view the Stellar HTLC tests.


Build container services for tests

docker-compose up -d

Run tests:

yarn test

Additional Information

Subnet Naming

Subnets should be named SIMNET, TESTNET, or MAINNET if there is only one instance of the subnet type. If there are two or more instances of a single subnet type (multiple testnets, etc.) then the naming convention should be SUBNETNAME_SUBNETTYPE. e.g. KOVAN_TESTNET.

Last updated

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